Forum Discussion

AmandaCL's avatar
MYOB Moderator
8 months ago

Community Forum Guidelines


Welcome to our Community Forum!

The MYOB Community Forum is a positive and friendly space with the intention of helping like-minded individuals connect, help and learn from one another. Our guidelines exist to ensure everyone has a great experience in the space. This space is for Australian and New Zealand residents. By participating, you agree to respect and follow these guidelines.


Personal Privacy

Be mindful of sharing personal information including your Serial Number, Client ID, email addresses or phone numbers. The forum is a moderated space, any information that has been posted and is deemed as "personal" or "sensitive" will be edited out.


Be Respectful

Please refrain from using inappropriate language, hate speech, and personal attacks when speaking to others. This space is intended to be a positive space for everyone to interact and learn from one another so please show respect and use positive language when speaking to one another.


Forum Posting Guidelines

Choosing a Username:

Do not impersonate others or use offensive names, email-addresses or personal information.  Usernames that include the above will be edited by our MYOB moderators.

Participating in Discussions:

Do not post personal information, spam, information which is considered unlawful. Derogatory statements and inappropriate content (including photos and videos) will be deleted. Political discussions will also be removed.


Reporting Issues

If you see something inappropriate, please use the "Report" button. You can report a post by clicking on the settings cog on the top right of any post and selecting "Report". Our moderators will then review the post and take necessary action.

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Consequences of Misconduct 

Members who do not adhere to these Community Guidelines will initially receive a reminder or warning. Repeated violations could result in a ban from the Community Forum.


MYOB’s Moderation of the Space

MYOB reserves the rights to reject specific content and permanently deactivate accounts of users who breach our Community Guidelines.

MYOB may archive discussions of inactive users at their discretion. MYOB may delete or edit posts that contain more than 2500 words, external links, content going against our guidelines. We reserve the right to reject specific content for any reason.


Product Help vs Accounting Advice

This space is designed to also provide helpful resources when it comes to using our MYOB products. MYOB Community Forum Moderators are able to assist and answer any questions that may be related to using the product, however you will need to consult a bookkeeper, accountant or our other community members if you're seeking financial and/or accounting advice. MYOB will not provide financial or accounting advice on our Community Forum.


Learn and Contribute

We hope you find this Forum to be a useful space to ask and answer questions, connect with the rest of our community and learn from one another. Ensure your content is information that you own or are authorised to share. Content should have a clear purpose and add value for the rest of our community.

  • Hi I've been trying to find out how to ask a question for ages.  I hope this will result in an answer to my question.

    I am trying to reconcile Stripe transactions in MYOB bank feeds.  The invoices I have created in MYOB reflect the payments made by each payee made in Stripe, minus the Stripe fee and tax. 

    So in the bank feeds I am doing a receive money on the invoice I have created in MYOB.

    In some instances there are multiple payees on one bank deposit, how do I reconcile these.

    How do I reconcile the fees and taxes components?


    • Jemar_C's avatar
      Valued User

      Hello user4453 


      Thank you for your post and welcome to the community forum! I understand that you would like to know on how you may reconcile fees and taxes components in Stripe payments. Please check this thread for your reference as it has detailed information on how you may do so. 


      Feel free to write a post if you need further assistance.




  • W_Sailor's avatar
    Experienced User

    It might be a dumb question, but...  are "MYOB Moderators" employees of MYOB?  I'd like to clarify this, as on a question I asked a while ago I was asked (via message) for detail, and when I asked if they were a MYOB employee, they never answered this question.  So, having due regard for privacy, I'd like to know the relationship these moderators have with MYOB and with ourselves.


    • MikeG1's avatar

      Hi W_Sailor - sorry for not seeing and responding to this sooner. 
      I can confirm that the forum moderators are MYOB staff