Forum Discussion

H-TS's avatar
Trusted User
5 years ago

Give option to opt out of badges in community forum

I know it's not a specific product idea but I find the notifications of new badges frustrating and disruptive. That little excited "yippee someone replied" :smileyhappy: quickly changes to "oh, I just earned another badge" :smileysad: . Meanwhile, I could have kept working on what I was doing.


This is not a friendly, casual, like-minded, same interests chatroom, it's business. I'm here because I need help with some other little irritating bug I've found in AR, not because I need a virtual badge to make me feel good.


  • H-TS's avatar
    Trusted User

    Hmmm. Rather ironic that someone kudoing (? is that a word?) this suggestion triggered another badge. :D

  • J-H's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I agree - I have used MYOB for over 20 years - I do not need badges and yippees - I would rather whoever spent all the time and effort to make software like this to have spent more time fixing long term errors - I dont need to be an experienced cover user or receive emojis etc - I want the issues that affect day to day running of a business.  Another words fix Job Cost transactions - fix Pay Liaibilities - fix problems and functionality not colours and pretty screens!


    And totally agree this is not a chat room - it is the only avenue that MYOB says has to be used to receive enough votes/comments for changes to be made - really - We use MYOB as a business not Facebook, Instagram etc !!!

  • 101's avatar
    Cover User

    Go to your account and in My Settings you can change the subscriptions and notification options. 

    No more interuptions like this one :smileywink:


  • H-TS's avatar
    Trusted User

    That works 101 but you still get the little number on your profile badge top right to make you think there's something useful to look at, only to find out you earned another badge. :smileysad:

    • Sue-AFSL's avatar
      Experienced Cover User


      these are badges which reward you for exactly the behaviour you were hoping to avoid... I received a badge now for having viewed 500 posts - this just says answers are WAY too hard to find in here.  Should be a sympathy card or a compensation award not a badge.