MHS's avatar
Experienced Cover User
12 years ago

Banking: Emailing Receipt option

It would be great to be able to email receipts to customers when you receive their payment, at the moment you can only print and I find this waists time and paper.  (The email remittance feature works great so why not have an email receipts option too.)




  • Stuckster's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    _-_-_-_-_  Interesting. Not something we had thought was going to be an issue until you just mentioned it.

    This post might get taken down, but considering how little the mods monitor this forum, probably not :)


    When you say they only took data from 2022, do you mean using Xero's migration service. I believe they outsource this to a third party to assist with onboarding new customers.
    As far as I know there shouldn't be a limit on the amount of data you can import into Xero. Therefore could you look at manually importing any additional data via templates? Might involve some shifting data around in Excel, but not too difficult. This link might help.

  • _-_-_-_-_'s avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Stuckster yeah we used the migration service, then I tried doing it myself after they didn't include all the data.


    I got most of it in, just had issues getting it all linked up, and needed more time to do it, which trying to do it all at the beginning of July was a bit too much.


    If this issue doesn't get fixed or I get sick of the plague of other MYOB issues I might try a bit before so I am ready next year.

  • Tjaltjraak1's avatar
    Experienced User

    MYOB seems to be more interested trying to sell us add ons that are not required.


    MYOB AccountRight prices for not for profits doubled this year, but I cannot say that we get better value for money.


    I understand that it takes time to develop products and add ons but it should not take 10 years to develop something that is  seems relatively simple and widely requested.


    MYOB is too busy trying to sell us finance facilities and payroll package add ons to pay attention to what customers actually need and want.

  • I called them twice with utmost frustration in the past and have been active on this forum too. 
    they have a firewall in the Philippines that takes all the heat, and they sit here and take all our money. I am changing over to XERO.. this is enough!! 

    10Y''s!!!! and yet they are getting to it!! Unbelievable. 

  • Hi All, 

    I am not sure if you all had a survey of MYOB message, I gave them a 1 with the big comment due to emailing receipt option not working, in the hope if more of you score them low that they maybe will put attention to it. 

  • Stuckster's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    ...and just got the email informing us of another increase to subscription fees.
    Start planning for the switch to Xero for Jul 1.

  • 20 years I have been requesting the option to email receipts.  Now MYOB say they have listened to members are are implementing a new look.  Nothing about the over 300 comments about emailing receipts.  MYOB is not listening to its members.  Not happy!!

  • This is a no brainer and the fact this is not standard blows my mind.  Who prints these days?  Its all very well to say print to PDF but then you have to go looking for the clients email address from the MYOB file and when you are in the type of business that doesn't repeatedly invoice the same customer and/or you are receipting several people a day this is very time consuming!

  • To Moderator MikeG1.  I received your private message but no way to respond to you.  Contacted MYOB who cant help.  Yes interested in being in a forum.  Please email me again with some way I can contact you