Maverick's avatar
Experienced Cover User
10 years ago

Card: Supplier - Ability to put card 'on hold'

is it possibe to put a particular creditor invoice on hold - to remind not to pay that invoice


"to place a supplier card on hold"



  • Yes please need the facility to put a creditors invoice on hold and be able to note why it is on hold.  


  • Hello,


    We deal in the building and construction industry and have supplier invoices that we need to put on hold until the work has been checked and approved by the relevant persons.


    In the past we used the CASH MANGER system but changed to MYOB around 4 years ago with our business growth. It was with the CASH MANGER system that allowed you to tick a box which places your nominated invoice on hold stopping it from being included in the payment. When the payment is made for that account the invoice which is on hold shows in the pay list but notes "On Hold" and does'nt include it in the payment run.


    What I'm wondering is if there is any chance that something like this can be placed on the MYOB System as it would make tracking of invoices and supplier payments a lot easier to manage.



    Gerard J.

    • KBL's avatar

      Yes definitely need to use "on Hold" facility in MYOB Payables if there is a query on an invoice otherwise we have to wait until the next month to process it.

    • SPINAKER's avatar
      Cover User

      We also have a need to enter Creditor Accounts but be 'On Hold' pending payment approval and sig off. Todays world of paperless document flow means we do not want the document printed and waiting for sign off.

      A HOLD /RELEASE function would be excellent.

    • Sue007's avatar

      Yes please! This would be fantastic, as at present, all our invoices that are on hold are not on the system, which makes tracking all invoices very difficult and time consuming. 

  • KattC's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hello Kellie_Cablenet


    That is a good example of how this idea will work for you. Having the field for a reason as well would me most helpful.


    Anyone that would like to see this implemented please vote and comment. 

  • Kellie_Cablenet's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    I'd really like to see this idea implemented as this would stop an invoice being paid when there is a query against it - for example, I have an invoice here that I wanted a credit raised against however it hasn't been raised as yet as the sales rep is on leave.  This invoice has inadvertently been paid by another employee which now results in an out-of-balance transaction when the credit is raised.  If I had been able to place the invoice on hold, it would not have been paid and the transactions would have balanced as my colleague would have been aware of the circumstances.  If you do create this idea, could you please provide an area to note the reason for the hold also?  Thanks :)

  • KattC's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:

    Hello Maverick 


    Thank you for your suggestions, we're always looking to improve workflow in AccountRight and would be happy to consider putting a hold function on the creditors invoice. 


    I encourage anyone else that would like this function in future upgrades please comment and post.


    Kind regards,

