doublet's avatar
Trusted Cover User
5 years ago

Email: Send me a copy

Can we have the option to send a copy of the email to ourselves when we email purchase orders, invoices, or remittance advices please? (And receipts to customers... I see there are hundreds of people who want this one!)

Currently, my work around is adding my email address in the email address, which works, but I cannot put more than one email address in the Payment Details tab of the Supplier Card (Remittance Advice Delivery Status Email) so have to add this manually every time I sent out a remittance slip.

Simply a global option of sending bcc email to myself checkbox would do the trick...





"Email me when I email customers and suppliers"


  • doublet's avatar
    Trusted Cover User
    Steven_M wrote:

    Emailing invoices through the AccountRight Browser interface allows users to select "Email a copy". This will send the user a copy of the email.

    Steven, I never use the browser version, I am always on the desktop version. The browser version does not have the functionality I need, so having to go to two different platforms is painful. Why is it such a difficulty to make simple fixes like this? Years ago when MYOB was developed in Access, I was frustrated that simple things couldn't be fixed and now I assume it is in MS SQL still... both database engines I used to program in, so it was frustrating to see MYOB not being able to make the fixes we have all been asking for. A lot of it being simple copy and paste jobs. (talking about the email receipt request here, identical to the email remittances)


    Please refer to my original comment in regard to the desktop version. I am not going to the online version - that's one of the reasons I gave xero the boot after trialling it for six months.

  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    Emailing invoices through the AccountRight Browser interface allows users to select "Email a copy". This will send the user a copy of the email.

  • AshleyM's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Please make it availble in the Windows version of AccountRight, not just the online version

  • OLKroozer's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    We have also found a need for this recently-

    When sending a Purchase order it is great to have a copy of the order yourself for two reasons-

    1- To prove it has been sent (Have experienced issues with internet/MYOB/Unknown recently where REciever claims they have never rec'd the Order.

    2- To view the Order layout/Information is correct (Have had two instances where we believe the sent Template is not the Company Template used as a default.


    A simple tick box in the Email Setup for "Send email copy to: ...................." would be very useful.

  • Mark_C11's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Yep you're right, Teresa, 


    Just re-read your original post and I thought you were just entering an extra email at the time of sending.


    Didn't think it would be different for the remittance,  I dont use them.


    Will wait for MYOB to add the CC option!! Soon of course





  • doublet's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    Mark_C11  that only works in the front tab of the customer/supplier, but not in the Paymnet Details tab.

  • Mark_C11's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi DoubleT,


    Have you tried adding a ; in between the email addresses?  (no spaces) As such



    You can add multiple email addresses to cards in this manner.


    (although a permanent BCC option would be the best result! MYOB nudge nudge)



