Error sending Email
Hello Everyeone,
We have one of our clients who is having issues with their MYOB AccountRight 2023.04.10008. Below is the error message that we are getting. This is issue started happening in the past 3 days, the user is using MYOB via a Terminal Server, Outlook 16 (O365 version 2304) with an O365 account, further this is the only user that is affected by this. All other users are able to send. For the moment I have setup email sending via AccountRight and that is working. However, they would prefer to be able to send via Outlook, that way the emails are recorded in the sent items.
I have attached the diagnostics log, but nothing in there is jumping out.
What trouble shooting can I do to try and get to the bottom of this one?
We were able to rectify this by creating a new Outlook profile.
Control Panel -> Mail -> Show Profiles -> Add (go through the prompts) -> Always us this profile (change to the new profile)