Melita's avatar
Experienced Partner
10 years ago

Find Transactions: Bill - Supplier Invoice Numbers order

Has anyone noticed when searching through "Find Transactions" by  invoice number the list comes up with a lot of numbers and they are not listed numerically. For expample if you were searching for invoice #100 you get any sequence of numbers with "100" for example 05214100 or 614100954 and they are not listed numerically which makes it very difficult when search for a particular invoice by number. Has any one come across this and any suggestions?


"Job Numbers not showing on supplier history"


  • TonyLane's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User

    Hi Melita


    Your image indicates that you were Searching by 'Supplier Invoice Number' in the 'Bill tab of "Find Transactions" so they are not Job Numbers but Supplier Invoice Numbers.


    This to me it is expected behaviour:-

    1. It automatically searches as you type in the 'Supplier Invoice Number'
    2. If you press tab or enter after typing in 100 and there is no Bill corresponding to that number it lists all Bills that have 100 embedded in their number
    3. Every listed Supplier Invoice Number in the list, which I have magnified below, contains "100"AR2015.3 Find Transactions - Bill.png
    4. Thank you for bringing this "Wildcard" feature to the attention of the forum, however I won't be voting for its removal :cathappy:


  • Status changed:

    Thank you for the idea. Unfortunately, this request has had no support from the community since it was submitted, so we are moving this idea to the Archived status. For more information on Idea Statuses, please read this article: Changes to our Idea Exchange pages