HOU's avatar
Cover User
13 years ago

Forms: (Item) Invoices - Discounted unit price column



I thought I would just write a post as I've searched all over to solve this problem and I assume that it can't be altered but thought I'd try the forum as a last try.


Basically we run AccountRight Premier V19.6. When printing an item invoice it has the unit price (lets say $10) and then the discount colum (let's say 20%) and then the total which is the extended price (so the total number of units x the unit price less the discount).


My question is is there any way to add a column on the printed invoice that has the unit price adjusted for the discount so if someone was buying 10 items at $10 with a 20% discount it would show the item price $10 less discount 20% is unit price $8 and then extended price $80, so that customers can see what the discounted unit price is.



'Invoicing - showing discounts off unit price"


  • Hi,

    It would be good to be able to print the discounted items unit price on invoices instead of only having the option to print the regular price and also the discount percentage.

    For example it is confusing for customers to see on an invoice

    Qty 3 Item xxx Description std price 5.50 total amount 12.00.

    Also it would be nice to be able to see when entering sales for a customer the last price charged for that item for that particular customer as a drop down or something instead of having to run the customer detail report history each time.





  • Clive's avatar
    Ultimate Partner



    You are right, MYOB will not do this.



    Clive Williams

    • trimbojd's avatar
      Experienced User

      We're having EXACTLY the same problem and I was just about to post the same question - OMG - how could MYOB NOT have this functionality? To overcome this, we have to enter the unit price of EVERY line item we sell to ensure our customers know what their buying unit price is. This takes far too long to do - how is it that MYOB cannot add the single item in the sales table that must exist in the table as it is used to calulate the extended price? This cannot be too costly or too onerous a change....and given the disasterous launch of the much vaunted upgraded system - surely issues like this can be quickly addressed and released quickly. Any comments MYOB?