Suzi_Byrom's avatar
Contributing Cover User
3 years ago
Coming Soon

Online Payments: BPay Surcharge

Hi MYOB Team,


I can see that this has previously asked by many other users in the "MYOB Community", and whilst they have all been replied to and then "closed" for comment, this hasn't rectified nor made the problem businesses face go away.


Can we please have either:


1. the ability to automatically pass on BPAY merchant surcharge fees to clients on invoices, just like we do with MASTERCARD and VISA; and/or

2. the abilitiy to switch off BPAY as a payment option, right now it is lumped in with Mastercard and VISA.


When we were part of the pilot program this was rarely an issue for us, but since being fully rolled out, regular users now know that by selecting BPAY as their method of payment they can avoid the surcharge fees. Initially after getting stung a few times we had to decide what level of fees we're prepared to cop? As a result we'd chosen to disable the payment feature all together for all "account clients" leaving it only available for Cash Sale Invoices and only if they're less than $500 because whilst this is a great feature the costs associated are NOT!


Kind regards




  • Couldn't tell you. I'm guessing you have an online account if you are sending out invoices. I am using AccountRight Plus if that helps



    • Julie1984's avatar

      Thats great for you Sally11....

      I have AccountRight as well and mainly run on desktop but also don't have any access notice showing for switching Bpay on or off as you have shown. I just wish they would give the access to us users that have complained about the service first as we are definitely the ones who are affected and wanting to have this rectified as soon as possible.

  • Sorry you cannot all see it  but I guess the good news is that it is hopefully coming soon !!!

  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi everyone! 


    I understand the screenshot about the change might be a bit confusing. The reason there wasn't an announcement is that this is an early access feature. It's only available to a small group of users right now so we can test it out before rolling it out to everyone. I hope this clears things up.


    If you have any other concerns, feel free to post again in the forum. Have a wonderful day!




    • mscheurer's avatar
      Experienced User

      You’d think that the people that had been asking for it would get early access but no…



      • Suzi_Byrom's avatar
        Contributing Cover User

        Yes, it would have been nice ... but I'm glad to see that they're actually working on it :)

    • fran99's avatar

      Thanks for your reply Genreve.  It would be helpful to a lot of users if either, the "Accept BPay" option is in the Online Payments settings section so we can turn it off entirely rather than in individual invoices.  Or at the very least, if it is to be in each new invoice, for the toggle to be in the Opt in default position, ie do not accept BPay unless the user wishes to be surcharged without having the ability to pass it on.


      Then the update and change would be meaningful and MYOB AR Users would begin to feel like we are being listened to.  As you can see, the majority of us do NOT wish to have the BPay acceptance function without the ability to pass on the surcharge.  We have been loud and clear.

      • Suzi_Byrom's avatar
        Contributing Cover User

        From how it reads, it sounds as though it'll be as simple as turning the toggle to off for the first invoice (when we have access to it) and our preference will then be saved for the subsequent invoices.


        Providing you don't turn it on (which I'm assuming those of us on this thread never will) then you shouldn't have to touch it again.

    • LFW02's avatar
      Trusted Partner

      I certainly hope the "testing" is done far quicker than than the issue even being addressed

      What is the trimeline for the feature being available please Genreve

      • AmandaCL's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hey LFW02

        While we are trialling this feature, if you would like the ability to remove BPAY as a payment option, please raise a support ticket via My Account.


        Once we receive your ticket, we can provide you with the ability to deselect BPAY. 


        Cheers, Amanda. 

  • AmandaCL's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hey everyone! 

    We’ve taken your feedback onboard. We are working to improve online invoice payments and provide greater control when it comes to selecting your preferred payment options. 


    While we are trialling this feature, if you would like the ability to remove BPAY as a payment option, please raise a support ticket via My Account.


    Once we receive your ticket, we can provide you with the ability to deselect BPAY. 


    Cheers, Amanda.