Larry1's avatar
5 years ago

Pay Bills: Ability to add an attachment

This message is aimed at MYOB software programmers.

I am use AccountRight Premium AU 2020.2.2


I am able to attach an invoice to an entry in the "Enter Purchases" screen but there is no option to attach a bank reciept or a myob payment remittance to a payment in the "Pay Bill" screen?


I am sure this is just an oversight. I find it extremely helpful to be able to attach a copy of the invoice to an entry in the invoice screen (especially when it is a vehicle repair with a number of replacement parts on the invoice).


"Attachments on "Pay Bill" screen


  • Hello, Improvement request - simply adding more attachment options to other windows.


    I would like to be able to attach the Supplier Statements to the Bill Payment to keep copies of the statements filed.


    I would also like to be able to attach the Bank Statements in the Reconcile Window. That way the accountant has instant access to them when required.


    I would also like to be able to attach files to Journal Transactions. Sometimes you need to add the details/correspondence/authorisation etc. to a Journal Transaction to show why the adjustment was made. Or for the accountant to show the workings for entries. 


    Should be fairly simple as the coding would already be written for the Enter Purchases Window.



  • TrudiMelbMem's avatar
    Experienced Cover User
    Hi, it would be great if we could have the option to attach receipts/documents to the actual payment of a bill rather than just the original invoice. Thanks.
    • RBC's avatar
      Experienced Cover User



      Just checking when an update will included the attachements of all documents, to bank receipt and  payments as well as journals.


      With MYOB going so far with attachement of some receipt payment, it would be great to do all of them.


      I am sure a majority of offices are becoming paperless and saving document into folders is great.

      If MYOB went one step further we could have a whole lot  less folder in our ever increasing list of folders. 


      This would make it far easier for our Accountants as well - MYOB is our next ONE STOP SHOP.



    • RBC's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      I have brought this up quite a while ago. Landed up only have some of the documents being able to get attached.

  • Would really like to be able to open an attachment for a supplier invoice in pay bills.... I like to double check some details before paying occasionally.