Santolin's avatar
Experienced Partner
10 years ago

Pay Superannuation: Generate a CSV file

I appreciate that your 2015 software is compliant with Superstream however I believe you should also be offering the ability to generate a csv file as per the attached.


The Pay and Manage super is impractical for MYOB users who cannot pay all super in one instalment. If clients are managing their cash, they need to spread out their payments and, in doing so, need to log in an each time to pay. This isn’t always practical


I also have clients who wish to use their industry fund as their clearing house. To use their industry fund as the clearing house they need to lodge the csv file. They then have one lodgement and can make payments in instalments without having to do this through MYOB. This is practical!


If clients don’t have a current subscription with MYOB, I believe they will be charged for using “Super Choice” – MYOB’s choice of clearing houses.


You’re not giving MYOB users the option to choose their own clearing house. You’re not providing alternatives. You’re forcing all users down one path.


I can tell you now that Industry Super funds are advising people that MYOB is not compliant with their fund as csv files cannot be created. Your competitors must be rubbing their hands together!


The best solution is for MYOB to offer the generation of a csv file as per the attached. You need to offer the csv file alternative or risk losing clients. 



 "SUPERSTREAM and option to generate csv file"


  • Would be great to be able to generate a compliant super contribution report directly in AccountRight Live without being required to sign up for the Pay Super function if you already use a clearing house.  At the moment the limitation forces you to export and merge reports into excel, which is time consuming.  Surely since this report can be produced for EXO a version can be created for AccountRight?

    • AccountingPower's avatar
      Valued User

      We have a solution that will allow you to use an external clearing house of your choice.

      Contact me at for details.