ActionCranes's avatar
Experienced Cover User
9 years ago

Payroll: Ability to attach files to payslips before emailing



Can we get the ability to attach a file to payslips before sending them?


Thank you

"attchment to Payslips"





  • GTA's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Would love to have this function available - would make it easier to send Workers Permits and updated Covid information with Payslips

  • GWES's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    We require this function too. I'm having to send employees site Time Sheets in a seperate email, whereas I use to save the payslip and combine it with the time sheet. I would love to be able to just attach the time sheet so they receive it in the same email as their payslip. 

  • Hi G_I


    Its great to hear that you have voted for ActionCranes's idea.

    In terms of the idea that you have lodged previously. At this stage of that idea we are encouraging clients to vote and comment (if required) for that particular idea. We don't have a time frame for when that (or this) particular idea will be placed into development and implemented into the program.

  • G_I's avatar
    Experienced Partner

    I vote for this.

    I believe this is actually part of a larger issue - that MYOBs Email sending capabilities simply don't include many features that Outlook offers. This is why i made a suggestion to add a setting to get MYOB to compose the Email in Outlook, but NOT send it (at the moment it composes the email in Outlook and sends it automatically with no way to stop it or change it) - this will allow the user to modify the contents, add attachments, etc.


    Here's a link to my suggestion made a while back, although unfortunately it didn't gain any traction: