interAccounts's avatar
Valued Partner
10 years ago

Payroll: Employee's age shown when processing pay

I'd like to see the Employee age included in the Pay Employee window.


Most awards have a pro-rated amount for those under 21 years old.  For our young employees, as soon as they have a birthday their pay rate increases until they hit 21.  Currently we need to have a separate system keeping track of all employee's birthdays so that we don't miss out their pay increase.


Our clients who employ many people of various ages have a pay category for each age group.  Having the employee's age showing in the Pay Employee window will help us identify whether the pay category for that employee is correct or whether we need to change it without needing to rely on another software package.


This will also help those users who don't engage a bookkeeper to do their payroll to get it right.

"Employee age included in Pay Employee window"


  • ntoumba's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I think this is a great idea! We pay a large number of under 21 staff and while we instruct them to notify us of thier b'days so they can be kept up to date it sucks when you have caluclate  months of worth of pay adjustments becuase you missed someones bday. Plus I always feel guilty ... like on of those dodgy boss's. 

  • Hi interAccounts

    I would recommend taking a look at Ron's possible workaround about adding the details in to the Memo transaction.

    If you are on the AccountRight Live you can set a default memo for your employee's pays via Card file>>Cards Lists>>Selecting the employee>>Selecting the Payroll Details tab>>Select Standard pay on the left hand side and then entering it into the Memo field.

  • ronatbas's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    In the payroll module the memo field is sticky. Most people ignore it and it defaults to Paycheque or Pay Employee but you could put DDMMYY(Birthdate) Name(first name, surname) into that field and it should stay there for future reference.

