Mike_James's avatar
Ultimate Partner
5 months ago

(Payroll) If net pay is less than amount going to bank account 1, make bank account 2 zero

2023.11 - When distributing pay to more than one bank account, if #1 is allocated a dollar sum, then it always gets the full amount. If the employee's net pay is less than that, bank account #2 is allocated a negative amount. This then requires manual monitoring and correction. 


Can the dollar allocation be limited to the net pay?

1 Comment

  • Celia_B's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    HI Mike_James,


    Thank you so much for your post and sorry for late reply. 


    We appreciate you in using our ideas and exchange board for improvements/enhancements to our software. This could be a software error and we are raising it internally for investigation. 


    If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us again or you can create a new post. We are happy to help. 


    Kind Regards, 
