DKP's avatar
Trusted Cover User
10 years ago

Payroll: Pay Employee - Ability to enter a note field (to be included in Pay slips)

Hi Gurus.


Would like to submit idea that a ''note'' feature be added to Payroll so we can make annotations during the processing of payroll that will then be shown on staff Pay Advice.


Back in the old days it was ok, as we would hand write notes on the Pay Slips to hand out. But now with them being emailed, i then have to either send personal emails to employees (which sometimes forget) , or chase the staff down in the car park.  


The notes are not major, just things like:  ""Paid missed overtime from last payroll"" 


Just a thought

Thanks Muchly


"Payroll Notes"


  • Pirate1's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Hi All


    Yes, I beleive being able to add a Notes line within the actual payroll processing would be great - as DKP has suggested.


    In the interim DKP, what I have managed to do (and depending on how many pays you process), is that when I am emailing the payslips, I do not tick the employee that I need to add a comment to.


    I send all the other payslips (that's if MYOB doesn't have a meltdown and crash because an email address 'triggers' an error).


    Go back into Email Payslips and the employee that needs the comment remains - tick him and add you comment into the Message section or the Default Emails section (bottom left corner) and add in your comment.  You can then email the payslip with the add message/comment.


    Just remember to go back in and delete the added comment through the Default Emails, so that it does not appear next time.


    I know this appears to be a drawn out process, but can work quite well if MYOB doesn't crash in between emailing payslips.  It is alot easier than going into the employee card.


    Funny that we could add comments in quite easily and email without any problems in v19.10 ...



  • David_Cree's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hello Kellie,


    MYOB Account Right can already do what you are after by using the Custom Fields on the Employee card. these will not show on the payslip unless you want them to, unlike the Notes fields. Have a look at the Support Note on using Custom Lists and Custom Fields from the following link.


    You could set up and name Custom Field 1 as Emergency contact  CF2 as Relationship. or you could use  a Custom List with the various types of relationships.

     see if this works for you.





  • KattC's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hello DKP


    This is correct it will stay in there until you manually remove it from the card file. 


    I have shared your ideas with the team, thank you for your feedback. 

  • DKP's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    I will give it a go next payroll,


    but being able to do it within the payroll screen would be better than having to go to the employee card file halfway thru processing. As i believe the note may stay there until physically removed, so it may show up again next payroll.


    You know how we can enter a blank line in purchase invoice?  something like that would be great, at the bottom of the payroll lines.




  • KattC's avatar
    Former Staff

    Thanks for your suggestion Kellie_Cablenet So that our developers can track the popularity of ideas, we ask that you raise a separate idea on this exchange for adding a next of kin details or emergency contact details to the card file.

  • Kellie_Cablenet's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    In the Card File, there is a Notes section on the Card Details tab.  Any notes you type appear on the payslip underneath the employee's details.  See below:Payroll Advice showing notes.jpg- I actually find this quite annoying as there is nowhere that I can save (for example), next of kin details as it prints them on each payslip.  So here's a new suggestion - could you please add a place for next of kin details or emergency contact details to be added?

  • KattC's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:

    Thank you DKP


    I can see how this may benefit a lot of clients that want to add notes to payslips. I encourage all users that would like to see feature in a future upgrade to post comments and use the vote option.