lb77's avatar
Experienced User
13 years ago

Reports: ATO Standard Business Reporting (SBR)

Will we be able to use AccountRight to submit forms to the ATO with future updates of AccountRight?


I expected that we'd be able to submit Tax File Number Declarations with the current release as the function was said to be in beta testing for at least the last 2 years.


I've read the support note here but it doesn't give any indication that it will be functional in this current release.


It would be a very useful feature for anyone using myob as their payroll software.


So, any updates?






  • When is MYOB going to catch up with other software and make it possible to lodge the employee Tax File Declarations online. This is something that should be available by now

  • I cannot believe that I am still having to send paper forms into the ATO when MYOB is listed as a program that I can electronically submit TFN declarations with on the ATO website... Surely this should be a priority?

  • Tracy12's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    First suggested in 2012.  How much time do you need to add this?  I cant believe we still have to send off paper forms to the ATO?



  • DTull's avatar
    Trusted Partner

    This is now ridiculous, and embarassing to Myob. Xero have been able to do this since 2014!! Also, absolutely no response from Myob is customer relations at its poorest. Is there any department, or address at Myob we can officially complain to Steven_M ? We at least deserve an explanation of where its development is at.
