Forum Discussion

RoxyAtButtery's avatar
Experienced Cover User
6 years ago

Standard Pay Details report

Hi ... I have a question about the Standard Pay Details report. I want to run it with only current employees so in the Employee drop down list I untick Show Inactive Payroll Employees. This removes the inactive staff members from the Select From list, but clicking Okay then Run Report adds all of the inactive employees back in again. Am I doing something wrong? Cheers, Roxy.
  • Steven_M's avatar
    6 years ago

    Hi RoxyAtButtery 


    By including all employee (active and inactive) this would bring through ALL employee cards in the company file. So what you are describing is what I would expect to happen if you have enabled that option. There is no direct way to show only the current employees.

    In saying that if you are after only employees with an active card you would complete the following steps:

    1. Go to Reports>>Payroll>>Recurring Transactions - Standard Pay Details
    2. Select Display report
    3. Once the report has been displayed, select the Employee drop-down list. This will open the Payroll Employees Select From List window
    4. Unselect the option Show Inactive Payroll Employees. This will filter the list to only show active employees cards
    5. Select the tick box to the left of the Name column heading. This will tick all the cards in the list
    6. Select OKthe Employee box in the Refinements section will be changed from All to Selected..
    7. You can then select Run Report to only show you the active employee cards in the list.

    Do let us know how you get on and if you require further assistance

  • Hi RoxyAtButtery 


    The Show Inactive Payroll Employees option (and other Show inactive options in Reports) work based on the filtering of that window. For example, if you untick that option i.e. Show Inactive Payroll Employees this will filter the selection list to exclude those cards, the user would need to go through and tick (or tick all) the required employees from the list before re-running the report.

    Do let us know how you get on and if you require further assistance.

    • RoxyAtButtery's avatar
      Experienced Cover User
      Hi Steven_M. If I untick the Show Inactive Payroll Employees tickbox in the Standard Pay Details report and click Run Report, it lists all employees that we have ever had, ignoring that they have a termination date and ignoring that they have been made Inactive. I have tried it multiple times in different orders, but I cannot get that report to behave as you have said it should. Cheers, Roxy.
      • Steven_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi RoxyAtButtery 


        By including all employee (active and inactive) this would bring through ALL employee cards in the company file. So what you are describing is what I would expect to happen if you have enabled that option. There is no direct way to show only the current employees.

        In saying that if you are after only employees with an active card you would complete the following steps:

        1. Go to Reports>>Payroll>>Recurring Transactions - Standard Pay Details
        2. Select Display report
        3. Once the report has been displayed, select the Employee drop-down list. This will open the Payroll Employees Select From List window
        4. Unselect the option Show Inactive Payroll Employees. This will filter the list to only show active employees cards
        5. Select the tick box to the left of the Name column heading. This will tick all the cards in the list
        6. Select OKthe Employee box in the Refinements section will be changed from All to Selected..
        7. You can then select Run Report to only show you the active employee cards in the list.

        Do let us know how you get on and if you require further assistance