margw's avatar
Experienced Cover User
11 years ago

Sales: Enable quotes to be closed off when not converted to invoices

I currently have several open Quotes which have been submitted to Customers but they have decided not to go ahead. I would like to be able to close these off so that I can maintain a history rather than just delete them.


  • Yes, another one here that requires this function to measure the convesation rate.

  • I agree, this needs to happen as its regularly used as a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) by business owners to see what their conversion rate is.  This then lets them know whether they are loosing too many quotes and then be able to make the necessary business decisions to improve their conversion rate.

  • XLNT's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    oops, newby to to the community I listed this request also, awesome that I was notified of this one so I have voted :)


  • XLNT's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    I have several open Quotes which I want to close off as the customer has not accepted them.  I don't want to delete them completely though as I may want to refer back to that quote if the customer returns in the future.

    • stucky's avatar
      Experienced User
      Great to see that the cross reference field is now in the quotes. It is very handy. Could the status column in the main quotes list be changed to "Invoiced" when the quote is converted? Could a report be created that shows the "Accepted" quotes in a selected period, therefore giving you the sales for this period? Stucky
    • stucky's avatar
      Experienced User


      1. Closed (or Invoiced if you like) are different to Declined

      2. The way I see it:

      a. Quote is "Open" until a reply is received

         a1. Customer accepts - quote status can be changed to "Accepted"

         a2. Customer declines - quote status is changed to "Declined"

      3. Accepting the quote does not mean an invoice is created. It confirm the sale. The job may take 2 months to complete and quote remains as "Accepted".

      4. When job is completed, material is supplied, etc, etc the quote can be converted to an invoice

      That is when the quote should change to "Closed" or "Invoiced".

      5. The same way the invoice then shows in the activity field "Created from Quote###" it should also have a similar activity field in the quote maybe with "Invoice created IV###". There may be instances where a job is part invoiced (deposit) with the balance invoiced at the end. By having the activity field, one could see all invoices created from this quote.


  • GBMW's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Brilliant idea - great audit tracking

  • GDK's avatar
    Super Partner

    I have used other accounting software which has feature.

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:
    Great idea Marg. Anyone else who would like to close unused quotes and retain them, please vote for this idea, so that we can see how popular it is.
  • trimbojd's avatar
    Experienced User

    It would help if there was some way to make quotes inactive without having to delete the information they contain. If a customer never accepts a quote - we don't need them to stay active in the system and be continually called up in reports - what we do need however is for the quote itself to remain there for reference purposes.


    For example if I enter a quote for a customer in Jan and they don't take up the offer then - I want to be able to make it as an inactive quote - with all the pricing and product details it was created with. When we then contact the customer in July - I want my sales people to have access to this historical info.


    Any chance of this being a feature please?



    Joe Trimboli

    • AlanT's avatar
      Ultimate Partner

      Again MYOB, I ask that you allow us the option to send e'mails directly to an SMTP server.  Firstly, it would support the standard convention of allowing us to enter two e'mail addresses, separated by a comma or colon character and imediately resolve a number of the above requests.


      It would also allow me to e'mail anything from MYOB as I am unable to run Outlook and therefore I cannot e'mail *anything* from MYOB.



    • I agree, really need this feature. Sometimes I have to do several quotes with various options and only one is approved. At the moment, I print the quote that I want to delete and file it with my invoices so the numbers stay in order, then I print to PDF and archive the quote in my client's folder on my hard drive. Obviously time consuming and not ideal.