johnhaney's avatar
Cover User
10 years ago

Sales: One customer multiple invoices attached to email

If we had to send say 20 x invioces to the same customer as they have to go through each individual item within each invoice before approval, wouldn't it be better to send 1 x email with all the invoices together as your current system it sends each invoice out 1 by 1 and locks you out from using any other part of MYOB. It is taking about 1-2 minutes to send each invoice out. What pain as 20-40 minutes you cannot use MYOB. 


"Emailing multiple invoices"


  • phatty's avatar
    Contributing User

    I used this today works great.

    it overcome the outlook warning. But does not send all invoices in one email.


    For those Windows users who don't or can't use ClickYes (Express only works with Outlook <= 2003, Pro ($) works with all versions), I've come across a registry tweak that disables the Outlook Security Warning.


    NOTE: please make a backup of your registry before making any changes, as editing your registry can have serious consequences.


    For Office 2007 users, add the following DWORD by following these instructions:-


    1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
    2. Locate and then click the following registry subkey:


    although i had to use 



    1. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
    2. Type PromptSimpleMAPISend, and then press ENTER.
    3. Right-click PromptSimpleMAPISend, and then click Modify.
    4. In the Value data box, type 2, and then click OK. (0 = AutoDeny, 1 = Default / PromptUser, 2 = AutoAllow)
    5. Exit Registry Editor and restart your computer for settings to take effect.

    For Office 2010 users, follow the above instructions except change the location in step 2 to (Note: 14.0 instead of 12.0):-

  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi johnhaney, jonesjones  and YPK,


    Thank you all for your feedback.


    There is a way to overcome the Outlook warning prompt at each email being sent. In order to overcome this you meed to change a setting within Outlook.


    To do so, go to Tools >> Trust Center (Outlook 2007) or File >> Options >> Trust Center (Outlook 2010 and up) and change the Programmatic Access setting, to "Never warn"


    We have also found that downloading and installing a third party program called 'Click Yes' on your system has resolved the issue for some users. 'Click Yes' is not an MYOB software, but is known to have helped with overcoming the Outlook prompt.


    I hope this helps. Please do post again should you have any further queries.



    MYOB Support

  • YPK's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I totally agree. For a very brief while some time ago (18 months to 2 years?) it was possible to just select the invoices etc to be emailed and no 'allow' window popped up. Sadly, the reprieve was very short lived and disappeared with the next update. It is incredibly frustrating.

  • jonesjones's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Having to click allow each email from MYOB to be sent is enough reason for us to change soon. I have recently changed to Accountright live Premier and was hoping this issue was fixed.


    I am very dissapointed to see its still there. After sending 39 payslips and 60+ invoices today I have had enough. Time for this to be fixed!