Bumper's avatar
11 years ago

Sales: Option to Adjust Inventory when not enough stock on hand

When you go to invoice an order and there is insufficient stock, why is there not an option to ADJUST INVENTORY?? you can build, buy and back order, but surely if you are invoicing it the goods are availalbe and sometimes need to be just adjusted into stock.


Also the BUY option used to take you to the purchases screen where you could invoice a purchase if you wanted. iN the new system you only have the option to enter it as a Purchase Order and then have to go back in to change it to a Purchase.


So frustrating an dtime consuming. Can these two things PLEASE be fixed with the next update.


"Stock movements when changing from order to invoice"


  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:
    Thank you for your post. I can see the benefits of being given an option to Adjust Inventory, during the Enter Sales process. We request others who would like this change to be brought about to Vote and add any relevant comments. With reference to the 'Buy' option creating an Order - there has been a slight change in process in the new AccountRight range. While our classic versions also took you to a Purchase Order window, it used to give you the option to use the drop down arrow to change from Order to Bill. However in the new AccountRight range, this option is no longer available. Again we request others who would like this option brought back to Vote on this idea.
  • Status changed:

    Thank you for the idea. Unfortunately, this request has had no support from the community since it was submitted, so we are moving this idea to the Archived status. For more information on Idea Statuses, please read this article: Changes to our Idea Exchange pages