Forum Discussion

SL_2023's avatar
2 years ago

Importing Item Sales with Non Inventoried Items



I'm trying to import our sales into MyOb AccountRight in Bulk using a txt file. A very common item that needs to be included isn't an inventoried item and therefore doesn't have a location. Sales are usually a mix of this non inventoried item and inventoried items with set locations.

When I try to import I'm getting an error log of "Error -226: Location ID may not be blank."  I had left the location tab of the non inventoried items blank because there was no location to include. However I'm assuming that's causing the  error. 

What do I include in the Location ID tab to ensure that these sales can be imported? 


Thank you! 


  • Hi SL_2023 


    This may well be another situation the developers did not anticipate. Suggest you open an existing Sales invoice which has both inventoried and not inventoried items, export that sales invoice and examine the export file. This may give a glue. If this doesn't solve, try adding default inventory location. MYOB should not use the location, however the import tests may require it. Update post with results for the benefit of others in same situation.




  • Hi SL_2023 


    This may well be another situation the developers did not anticipate. Suggest you open an existing Sales invoice which has both inventoried and not inventoried items, export that sales invoice and examine the export file. This may give a glue. If this doesn't solve, try adding default inventory location. MYOB should not use the location, however the import tests may require it. Update post with results for the benefit of others in same situation.




    • SL_2023's avatar


      The item was definately not inventoried and when exporting the file, the tab was blank. 

      We added the default location into the tab, even though it technically didn't have one, and it uploaded fine and the invoice in the system still had it as locationless. 

      Thank you for your help. 

      • Earl_HD's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi SL_2023,

        Thanks for letting us know that your problem is now resolved and for providing us a solution.

        Feel free to post again, we're happy to help.

  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi SL_2023,

    Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the Community Forum! I'm sorry to hear that you were not able to import your sales to MYOB. We do have an online script to run to fix this issue, can you please send me a private message with the following information:

     *  Serial Number
     *  Company File ID
     *  Full Name

    Looking Forward to hearing from you soon!

    • Hi Earl, 


      Thank you for your assistance. 


      Unfortunately when I click on the link to send you a private message, my private message page comes up empty. 


      Do private messages need to be activated on my account? 



      • Earl_HD's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi SL_2023,

        My apologies. I've changed something on the settings, if you could try it now please. 
