Helen-Webley's avatar
Experienced Cover User
11 years ago

Sales: Send to Disk (PDF) select form

Would it be possible to make a form selection available when sending an invoice to disk as is possible in printing or emailing invoices


"Select customised forms when sending an invoice to disk"


  • Hi mechandmarine 

    Thanks for the feedback in regards to the new AccountRight Live range and its great to see you have showed your support for the idea by voting.

    As you have worked out you can set the default form for saving to disk via the relevant advance filters window and selecting the required form in the selected form for sale box at the bottom of the window.

  • Yes please implement this upgrade.  I am loving the new AccountRight compared to a dinosaur version of MYOB but I would have thought the ability to be able to select a customised form as a primary preference would have been a given for printing, print preview and exporting to PDF.


    ***After submitting this I found through the forum that you can set your form preference via the Sales Command Centre and selecting Print or Email Invoices and click on the Advanced Filters tab, follow your nose and you can work the rest out :)

  • I agree - it would be a great time saver to be able to select which invoice you want when saving to disk.


    Please implement this as quickly as possible.

  • its so frustrating have to go out and change the default form all the time i save each invoice to pdf nearly 3 times before i get it right. this would be so much easier and less time consuming to be able to just select the form on the fly =\

  • Also need the save to disc feature changed. Otherwise myob is completely useless for my businesses.

  • Eastside's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Agree, I would also love to be able select from my personlaised forms either a quote or invoice when saving to a disc. I currently have to change via the customer card back to my quote form, go back to thw quote, save to disc, then go back to the card & change back to invoice form.

  • kelly2cats's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Since upgrading to AccountRight Plus this issue of not being able to select the form when saving to disk has been a real sticking point that frustrate me endlessly and causes great inconvenience and wasted time.  Printing to PDF produces very poor quality results, which is not acceptable when I am a graphic designer promising high quality output to my clients.  Additionally, printing to PDF appears to be a little buggy, with issues when printing vertical lines which instead come out looking like dashed lines. I use Adobe Professional so this is not an issue that should occur with well developed software. 


    I have recently resigned myself to modifying the layout of my invoices so that I use only the default form instead of being able to choose from two more customised invoices. It would be great to see the Save to Disk feature developed more completely.

  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:
    Thank you for the idea. We can certainly see the benefit in being able to select a preferred form when using the 'Send to Disk' option. We request others to vote and comment on this Idea, if they would like this included in the program. In the meantime you could use the Print option to print to a PDF writer, to be able to create a PDF copy of your Invoice using your preferred form.