Helen-Webley's avatar
Experienced Cover User
11 years ago

Sales: Send to Disk (PDF) select form

Would it be possible to make a form selection available when sending an invoice to disk as is possible in printing or emailing invoices


"Select customised forms when sending an invoice to disk"


  • Sconnolly's avatar
    Experienced User

    Bring back the OPTION to select a default form.


    Some of us don't want to have to waste an extra hour whilst saving 50+ invoices in a row.

  • AHJS's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Yay!! Thank you saving so much time here finally and meaning we dont have to use a PDF printing all the time to print a pick sheet instead of an invoice for customers! A long time coming thank you


    For those struggling with the change, if you have the prefence set for "automatically save to disk sales when they are recorded" we havent noticed any change here it's still using the default form saved to the customer card on record.  Perhaps this helps?



  • Auntyethel's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    71 votes over 8 years and a change that impacts thousands of users is made.

    I wonder if it will take another 8 years to give the option to turn this feature off for the majority who did not want it!


  • AnthonyAlt's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    As it picks the default form you have set i dont see the issue of 1 click ok  for those whinginging about this update.!  

  • Turtlewitnohome's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    This si the best feature you have implemented in along time.  


    Previously i would have to email myself docvuments to get them in the format i needed to be able to save them to disk.  Has both stopped cloggin up my email server and having to rely on the slow MYOB email service.


    Bravo MYOB, ignore the haters