cyberbride's avatar
Cover User
12 years ago

Setup: Cancel button for when close X button is pressed by accident

If the close button is pressed by accident, a pop up window comes up and asks if you want to back up the company file.  there is no option to cancel out of this program close function if the close button is used by accident (which is seem to do fairly often)


  • Yes please can you have a confirm before exiting - I often press "x" or I hit "Ctrl+N" by accident when I should have hit "Ctrl+M" and then it asks me if I want to do a back up but even if I say no it just closes.   It's only a minor thing but it would make life just that bit easier.

  • Hi Bazza02

    Thank you for your idea in regards to AccountRight and the closing of the program

    I have merged your idea with this one already included on the AccountRight Idea Exchange

  • Hi ASWatCR


    Good pickup and thank you for letting us know. I have merged the idea with this one already included on the AccountRight Idea Exchange rather than marking it as a duplicate.

  • Hi John_P

    Thank you for your feedback in regards to AccountRight.

    I've merged your idea with this one already included on the AccountRight Idea Exchange.

  • Hi Harveyjt


    Thank you for your idea in regards to AccountRight

    I have merged your idea with this one already included on the AccountRight Idea Exchange.

  • I have closed out of AccountRight many times, without knowing there was time billing open and not saved in the background. They seem to hide behind my command centre window. It would be great if there was a setting to select to avoid this.

  • OzTara's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    How many times have we all accidentally clicked CLOSE and it SHUTS DOWN MYOB COMPLETELY WITH NO OPTION TO CANCEL THAT REQUEST?!!!

  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:

    Hi everyone,


    It gives me great pleasure to inform you that the next release of AccountRight - v2016.1 will have a confirmation box when closing the application.


    Thank you for all your comments and votes and your patience.