HutchinsBros's avatar
Cover User
6 months ago

superannuation receipt

I need to obtain Superannuaton Receipt each time super is paid.  These receipt are required when submitting progress payment claims with builders.  I have seen a number of old posts regarding this, but there is still no option to get these receipts.

1 Comment

  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi, HutchinsBros


    Thanks for your post.


    Customer feedback is invaluable to us as we continue to enhance and improve our offerings. Rest assured, your request has been duly noted, and our development team is actively exploring ways to enhance our product/service. In the meantime, you can try reaching out to the super fund to see if they can issue you a receipt.


    Feel free to post again if you encounter any issues.


    Best regards,
