Totalcrete's avatar
2 months ago

Timesheet Reports

I would like the ability to produce a report showing employee timesheet hours worked over a period of time. This information is used for insurance, work cover reports, apprenticeships reports, long service leave reports and tracking staff productivity. 

This is a painful process using current myob reports which only produce a single timesheet in a single week per employee. And Payslip reports only show dollars earned- not relevant to hours worked, as many of our employees get different rates of pay on different construction projects, so they can not be calculated back from dollars earned into a usable estimate of hours worked.

As a long time (over 16 years) user of this software, I would like MYOB to finally listen to many customer feedback over the years and produce a report that can show timesheet hours worked by employees over a period of time, summary of total, and detailed report of each weeks hours worked.


Looking forward to this- to save many hours in transferring individual days into usable excell spreadsheet every month.


Thank you



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