Shane-oz's avatar
Trusted Partner
10 years ago

Bank transactions: Match and add transaction

How cool would it be to be able to take a bank transaction of say $500 and apply it to two invoices that have been paid for $400 but then create a new $100 transaction to make up the difference.  


  • Craigus's avatar
    Contributing User

    My direct debit process, processes as a bulk payment (single transaction, total for 39 invoices), if a DD fails it causes problems as I cant allocate as the total payment will not match to the total invoices. If I try to bounce that part of the transaction it asks me to allocate that payment elsewhere which I cant as i need an invoice to alloacte it to.


    Why can't part of a bulk transaction like this be allocated to a drop down box called 'Bank charges' or whatever, ie manually enter the amount (allows the transaction to be processed), this then gets reversed out of that ledger with the reversing transaction comes through on the bank link. Therefore the customers invoice is still outstanding and can be sorted at a later date, and the failed DD for one invoice has been delt with.


    "Processing bulk payments when a Direct debit bounces"

    • Liam_M's avatar
      Former Staff
      Status changed:

      Thanks for your great suggestion Craigus. This would certainly make it easier to record direct debits. Anyone who would like the ability to manually allocate part of an payment, please cast your vote here.