robmcm1's avatar
Experienced User
2 years ago

New MYOB Essentials - Make employee "Hours in a pay cycle" a non-mandatory field

My business transitioned to the new MYOB Essentials a few days ago (January 2023) and I have run my first pay run, it has been quite the journey!  This idea would significantly increase efficiency and save me much needed time as this now takes a lot longer to do!


I am now required to enter "Hours in a pay cycle" for each employee (under Employees > Payroll details > Salary and wages. If I put 0, it says "hours in a pay cycle must be greater than zero" although most of my employees are part time and casual and this means during the pay run I need to zero out every single employees base hours (especially ones who only work weekends, or may not have worked that week at all). This causes a big slow down and also shows the incorrect annual salary on their payslip (my part time and casual employees should not show any salary on the pay slip, like it was before in MYOB Essentials).

1 Comment

  • Hi RobMCM,


    It's a bit of a work around, but ...

    The bulk of my employees are casual and paid per Award rates by age.

    I had, due to some calculation issue I can't remember, awhile ago (pre upgrade) stopped putting the hourly rate in the employee card file where it prompts you and instead created a pay item such as 'Casual Level 1 - 19 years' with a set hourly rate assigned to that pay item.

    Then when entering the pays would enter the number of hours on the 'Casual Level 1 - 19 years' line and completely ignore the 'Base Hourly' line (so it would show as 0 hours at $0.00 ph).


    In the upgrade, if you put $0.00 in the Hourly Rate line in your screenshot, it won't calculate the annual salary and you will be able to put 0 hours in a pay cycle.

    This will also then show both Annual Salary and Hourly Rate as zero on the top of the payslip, which is yet another reason the new payslips look terrible, but on a positive it isn't confusing any of my teenage staff with thinking they get a salary.

