misstams's avatar
Trusted Cover User
11 years ago

Purchases: Ability to change the tax code on a paid bill


I've just been reviewing my LiveAccounts file in order to complete the BAS. As a junior completed it, a lot of the GST Tax codes were incorrectly put as GST when they should have been FRE. When trying to change these, I was not allowed to as a payment had been applied.


In order to correct these transactions I would have to delete the payment, adjust the expense transaction and then re-enter the payment. This seems to make it a lot harder than it should be ESPECIALLY when the bank reconciliation has already been done.


I understand that this may be to protect the file integrity however I'm suggesting that the GST code be allowed to change as this shouldn't affect the outcome of the transaction. Just the GST Reporting.




"Ability to change GST Tax code in Expense transactions after payments applied"


  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    MYOB Essentials allows for the user to update a tax code on a paid Bill. Although, do note that in some cases this could change the Amount Due of that transaction.

  • KattC's avatar
    Former Staff

    Thank you all for your votes and comments regarding the GST change in Essentials. We encourage all users that want/need this in Essentials to click on the Vote+ button. 

  • Good Morning, Yes I empathise with the previous writers. As a retired bookkeeper (clients never really let you retire) pre-setting GST codes against a supplier or customer saved time when data entering. I noticed in Cloud Essentials this cannot be done. E.g. clients business is GST registered, but GNR (and all) suppliers automatically come up GST. Could not a GST code sub-menu be included when adding a contact? Regards, Nick Howlett 

  • Yes, I agree you should be able to change the GST codes.  I matched transfers between accounts through bank fees and the transaction was automatically recorded with the GST Free code on each one!  You've got to be able to change this, it's just WRONG!

  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:
    Thank you for your post, misstams. I understand that being easily able to change the Tax Code on a recorded transaction would make life a lot easier. However as you mentioned, the restrictions are in place to protect the integrity of the file. That being said we would like to know how many users would like this change brought about, so that our Developers can consider changing this in a future release. So please Vote and comment.