Cole's avatar
12 years ago

Sales: Discount column

I agree with the other users who have asked for a discount column (in both invoices and expenses). It was the one feature that almost convinced me not to switch from AccountEdge to LiveAccounts.


Also, the fact that price fields are limited to 2 decimal points now means that when the total GST inclusive price shows up, it is often incorrect. For example, if an item sells for $3.50 including GST, it is set up in the item list as having a price of $3.18 excluding GST, but then when entering an invoice, say somebody bought 10 of this item, the total price including GST comes out at $34.98, not $35. A fix would be either to increase the number of decimal places or to allow a GST inclusive option in the item details. This is wasting a lot of time for me.


"Discount column... PLEASE!"


  • I think it would be great to be able to apply discount to invoices rather than just on the payment entered. That way customers can see the discount amount applied and they can see the total due easily

  • I too would like to be able to put multiple decimal points in item prices!!



  • Hi, I would like to see Myob Live Accounts have these facilities:


    1: Id like to be able to see when and where I sent an invoice to. eg You sent this invoice to on 15th July 2012 and then have the same for any reminders sent


    2: Id like to be able to add a discount to the invoices..Its quite ridiculous, AND ALMOST A DEAL BREAKER!, we cannot show a discount on an invoice now. Support staff tell me you can add discounts to invoices but ONLY after the invoice is paid! How ridiculous!. I want to show someone that I did 50 hours at a certain rate but I have discounted a certain amount. Thanks BD

    • StevePick's avatar
      Former Staff
      Status changed:
      Hi Brett. We are doing the design work for discounts now, so it is definitely coming. Down the track we are also planning to address point 1, and provide an email history. Regards, Steve
  • Currently we are unable to enter a $ or % discount for a customer when creating an invoice. We want to be able to show the customer discount on the invoice payable.


    We have tried to put a negative -$ dollar amount & it doesnt like it.


    Can you please add a discount section to the invoicing or provide me with an alternative method!!



  • Hi there,


    A column to allow for discounts per line would be great! I.e. you may only want to give a 10% discount on one particular item for a client but for another client you may want to give 15% on that item (or none at all).




    • Richard_Puffe's avatar
      Trusted User
      Status changed:
      Great suggestion and will be implemented when we add new features to invoices over the coming few months. Richard Puffe