HealthyInn's avatar
11 years ago

Setup: Exporting data

There is no option to export data which is a disaster for my business as I need users details etc for other purposes. When will the simple ability to export and control MY data be avbailable?

  • not much of an Essentials user myself, however I also find it ludicrous that it cannot be done.


    exporting and importing is crucial to a lot of operations, including integration. not everything should be done via an API, not all Users are devs.

  • Just to be able to report on any field is such a basic function that it should have been in the original package and all others after.  I can only assume this was an oversight originally but to continually ignore this essential function should be considered embarrassing for MYOB.


    Not being able to export these details is equally frustrating but can be overcome by utilising other online programs, shouldn't have to, but achievable.


    I can only imagine the wish list for numerous functions but at least get the basics implemented prior to advancing further please.

  • Softfallguys's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Comon should no be difficult for Customers to export contact data. Technically its not difficult at all to give link access to ones db of contacts... WHY dont you offer this?

  • Would be good to be able to export the Accounts List to use in another MYOB Essential file.

  • Not being able to export clients is ridicoulous. The clients are MY DATA not MYOB's

    If Myob does not insert a contacts expoty them the only other option is Xero or QB - they both allow client exports without question.

    Commonsense to have this for backup other formats like mailchimp, ect.

  • I agree with Cathway/ HealthyInn. We should all be able to export data from MYOB at any time we wish and  to to use it for any purpose we require.


    I am personnally looking at exporting all of my data in reports, converting it into a useable format, cancelling MYOB and using a more user-focussed product.


    I beieve the lack of an export option - which has been requested by many people over the last 10 tears - and the gradual increasing prices is MYOB trying to increase their income and expressing  a complete lack of customer focus and satisfaction.


    There is no other application I am aware of that has put in such an absurd restriction to prevent customers from exporting their own data. My data belongs to me not MYOB.  I am in the IT industry and have implemented many complex IT solutions. I know what I am talking about.



  • SuFish1's avatar
    Experienced User

    I would like to export the chart of accounts so i can provide my client with the list so they can mark up invoices appropriately. Be great to have this feature.