ConsiliumT's avatar
12 years ago

Setup: Upgrade path to AccountRight

Please develop an export/import facility between LiveAccounts and AccountRight Live. It shouldn't be that hard.


"Upgrade Path LiveAccounts to AccountRight Live"


  • Agree with this one - I'm personally losing time and/or value with the absence of a fully functional migration tool... The need to reset the whole chart of accounts is one of the biggest areas - particularly as the top-level types have changed...


    I added a duplicate idea yesterday (couldn't find this one when I looked - sorry) 


    Sad to find that there isn't already 1:1 functionality match between AccountRight and Essentials - old premise that I work on as an ICT professional is that I don't make things worse or harder by introducing change.... AccountRight should have been the baseline functional model...

  • Finding it hard to believe that Essentials is quite such a backward step from Accountright... 


    Particularly painful is the absence of an import for my existing chart of accounts but actually need to have the history going back 7 years to meet legal compliance and I started with MYOB in 2006 so having the whole history would be ideal.


    The process for importing and updating the data is a time-waster for a small business owner...


    Two options are apparent:

    1. MYOB convert and import the data.
    2. MYOB provides the tools to undertake a clean update of the system.

    What seems to be missing is a way to do the trial balances and confirmation that the allocation is correctly set when comparing old data with new...


    Currently a bit underwhelmed by the experience and not yet using my Essentials account but still paying for it!......



    • Steven_M's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hi DoomGoblin 

      Thank you for your feedback.

      Our developers are investigating and working on building a reliable tool to migrate data across.

    • DoomGoblin's avatar

      Xero are offering free migration of existing accountright customers and their data to their product.


      How can MYOB help to retain me as a customer, the absence of a tool (promised in March last year) means I've wasted several months of subscription to MYOB and there is no real answer other than spending more time (= more money) to migrate from one version of MYOB to the next....

    • Steven_M's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hi DoomGoblin 

      Thank you for casting your vote and your feedback on that other idea.

      If you are going from AccountRight to Essentials you can export out your Customers, Supplier and Items out of AccountRight for import into Essentials.

      For more information into exporting data out of AccountRight please see Help Article: Exporting data
      For more information into importing that data into Essentials please see Help Article: Import - Export