lcda's avatar
6 years ago

Timesheets: Different pay rates

Could timesheets be udated to allow an employee to enter shifts for working at differents pay rates. 

E.g. one shift might be for admin at say $25 per hours  work and a seocnd shift for teaching at say $50 per hour ?


Also could we add an attachment to timesheets which would provide work ralted details?  


  • I just want to give MYOB Essentials feedback. I can't understand why you don't tighten up the link between staff Time Sheets and Payroll. I’ve created Pay Items to deal with the multiple pay rates most small business need to pay staff. I'd like it if my staff enter time on a Saturday or Sunday that it populates a Saturday or Sunday pay Item or during the week it populates Casual Weekday Rate Pay Item. The same for Public Holidays.

    You need to support Penalty rates more effectively. It's pretty clunky at the moment and really prevents me from recommending your product. Also, if you had a pay table that you could populate based on employees age and employment status (i.e. casual, part-time, etc.) and the table is then used to update the pay amount so when an employee has a birthday, for example they're 17 and turn 18, the hourly rate changes accordingly. You have all the information in the employee section on DOB, etc so it should be just a matter of the MYOB operator to pre-populate their specific award rate table and then you import the hours worked from time sheets to the appropriate pay item (this could also be configurable).

    Lastly, you should be able to map the correct pay amount from the table based on the award rate and age.

    Cmon guys, some obvious improvements here to make life easier for small business customers.

    • jswan's avatar

      I agree. I have to manually go in and change tyhe weekend hours my employees work and tday I forgot to do that and now have a bigger problem. There must be an easier way.

  • Status changed:

    Thank you for the idea. Unfortunately, this request has had little support from the community since it was submitted, so we are moving this idea to the Archived status. For more information on Idea Statuses, please read this article: Changes to our Idea Exchange pages