rruwan's avatar
2 months ago

Editable Invoice Options

Hi MYOB Development Team,


I have a situation where I need to create customer contacts in MYOB under individual and company. Both have a contact ID and contact person field in the contact card which I use. 


At the moment, a basic invoice template using MYOB Business does not allow for us to pull the contact ID into the invoice. 


In addition to this, while an invoice will pull the contact person's details for a company, it has no option to pull the contact person for an individual where one has been allocated. This is essential for situations when an individual is being represented by a third party, i.e. solicitor, guardian etc. and the invoice is going to the contact person rather then the individual the contact card is made for. 


If there is an option to enter 3rd party info such as solicitor details, that would also be good. 

  • AmandaCL's avatar
    MYOB Moderator
    Status changed:

    Hey rruwan

    Thanks for your idea! We'll be sharing this one with our product teams and have updated the status to open for other members of our community to vote and add weight to your idea!