Future access to data if subscription cancelled

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Future access to data if subscription cancelled



There didn't really seem to be a suitable location for this question, so I've opted for "getting started" even though it's the complete opposite.


We are considering switching to another accounting software provider. This decision is not being made lightly. As frustrated as I get with MYOB's deficencies sometimes, there are also a lot of features in MYOB which I use often that do not seem to be available in the other programs we're looking at so we may not end up changing at all. 


However, in case it is decided that what we gain by changing outweighs what we would lose, I need to work out what happens to our many years of data that currently exists in MYOB.


I understand I can take a backup and restore a copy of the file locally. However, will I still be able to open and read those files if our subscription to MYOB is cancelled? That is, if we cancelled our subscription today, would the current version of MYOB continue to work indefinitely? I understand we wouldn't get upgrades and it would quickly fall out of the "supported" versions list. But will it still work? Would we still have access to the data for reference, or in the event of an audit?


I imagine it would only work while it was installed on the same PCs. If we replaced the PCs we probably wouldn't be able to reinstall the older version of the software. Or can we just save an install file for future use?


Is the "desktop licence" referred to in this post from 2015 still an option?



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Re: Future access to data if subscription cancelled

Hi @H-TS 


The AccountRight Terms of Use outlines your situation and what you would need to know with regards to cancellations of subscriptions. However, in short, if you have a desktop/perpetual licence*, would be able to access (and record extra transactions) the company file locally and without live services. 


Also to address your other points, AccountRight 2021 users would be able to receive free upgrades to their product going forward without a subscription being in place. You wouldn't be able to access live services, payroll tax tables and/or other benefits but you would continue to receive the automatic upgrades to the product. If you do need to install the software on another computer in the future, installers are made available on the Product Downloads page.

*Serial number ending in 3424 would be one

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Re: Future access to data if subscription cancelled

Thank you. Nice to have that peace of mind if we go that way.

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