Forum Discussion

MM001's avatar
Cover User
2 years ago

Locked Period

Hi there,


I have an issue when doing an invoice by mistake in a locked period, I don't get a warning until we go to record the invoice.


Our invoices can be quite lengthy, so this becoms quite an issue.  


We are running two myob files and the problem is happening when the invoice is created in the incorrect file, therefore we can't save as a recurring invoice as a work around.


Is there anything we can do to overcome this?


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  • Hi MM001 


    When a lock period is set within a company file, the system will check that setting when attempting to record that transaction. For the most part preferences in a company file are taken when you enter the window and will remain in place until you close that window. However, just testing that situation, I have been able to update the lock period preference (with the Enter Sales window open in the background), update the lock period preference and then successfully go back to that Enter Sales window and record the invoice (dated in the original lock period).

    In saying that, I don't think updating that preference, while you have the window open, will be beneficial to you as it sounds like you are attempting to record a transaction in a different company file than it is meant to be. If that is the case, it would be a case of opening the correct file and entering the transaction in that file.