Forum Discussion

STHGroup's avatar
4 years ago

Send Invoice Email Copy to sender

In MYOB Essentials when emailing out invoices it has a tick box to send a copy to the sender but in MYOB Account Right is doesn't. There isn't even a Cc or Bcc option. It would also be good to have the ability to see when the invoices were sent, opened & viewed. 

  • Hi STHGroup 


    When emailing invoices in AccountRight in-browser you do have the option to email yourself a copy. This is in addition to adding another email and CCing another email:



    In terms of the AccountRight desktop application, the user can add an additional email (or attachment) to an invoice by emailing that invoice through the Edit Sales window. When you have the invoice open on screen, select Send to>>Email... and select the To.. button to pick another email address from the customer's card or enter the required address in.

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  • Hi STHGroup 


    When emailing invoices in AccountRight in-browser you do have the option to email yourself a copy. This is in addition to adding another email and CCing another email:



    In terms of the AccountRight desktop application, the user can add an additional email (or attachment) to an invoice by emailing that invoice through the Edit Sales window. When you have the invoice open on screen, select Send to>>Email... and select the To.. button to pick another email address from the customer's card or enter the required address in.