Forum Discussion

Ele's avatar
Trusted Cover User
2 years ago

Why does it take so long to delete dead jobs ?

We reuse job numbers.  So I go thru Myob deleting dead jobs.

What I am curious about is :


Why does it take so long ?  file length (number of debtors & creditors invoices) does not seem a factor.


Why does it say Job Information/not responding ... when it is working in the background?

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  • Hi Ele 


    Good question - why does it take so long! From my observations the biggest factor seems to be the number of Jobs in the file. The more Jobs, the more related records, the longer it takes to update everything as you delete a job. How may Jobs does your file have?


    And the 'No Responding' - this is a trap for the unwary. Never terminate or end the process unless you are absolutely sure Huxley Application has stopped - in other words CPU use is 0%. During lengthy processes, these are usually run in a separate 'thread' and the process does not seem to 'notify' Windows that it is still working.


