Forum Discussion

Bronie-Menz's avatar
Cover User
5 years ago

Superannuation Guarantee not set up to the correct type

Hi there,


I need some help as we have just been informed that our superannuation has not been reporting to the ATO each payroll.

I went into payroll catagories to see how the superannution guarantee was and saw that the superannuation guarantee has somehow been set with a type redundancy (expense) instead of superannuation guarantee and will not allow me to report to the ATO. I did not set up our payroll initially so I have no idea how this has happened.


My first question is can this be changed?

Second question is if this cannot be changed is it ok to set up a new superannuation guarantee catagory so I can start reporting to the ATO? 

Third question is after setting up the new category how do we show the ATO the super that has already been paid but allocated to a non reportable type?


I hope I have been clear enough, I would really appreciate some help on this 


Thank you in advance

Bronwen Keggen


  • Hi Bronie-Menz 


    Once a superannuation category has been created and saved you can't change the Contribution Type.


    You will need to create a new category, Superannuation, I recommend changing the name of the old category to something like OLD super so there's no confusion


    Then you will need to move the super amounts from the old category to the new one. 

    To do this process a $0 (void) pay for all employees.  Make sure all hours and amounts have been zeroed out and enter the super amounts as per the screenshot.  



    When you process your next payrun the super guarantee will be updated in STP and with the ATO.


    Let me know if you need further help



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  • Hi Bronie-Menz 


    Once a superannuation category has been created and saved you can't change the Contribution Type.


    You will need to create a new category, Superannuation, I recommend changing the name of the old category to something like OLD super so there's no confusion


    Then you will need to move the super amounts from the old category to the new one. 

    To do this process a $0 (void) pay for all employees.  Make sure all hours and amounts have been zeroed out and enter the super amounts as per the screenshot.  



    When you process your next payrun the super guarantee will be updated in STP and with the ATO.


    Let me know if you need further help



    • Bronie-Menz's avatar
      Cover User

      Thank you for that Tracey,


      It is what I thought I would need to do but just wanted to make sure I was on the right track.


      Kind regards

      Bronwen Keggen