Forum Discussion

ford's avatar
Trusted User
2 years ago

Pay not matching in bank feeds

In the old version of MYOB onine essentials, the pay made to the employee comes up in the bank feed as a matched transaction. But it doesn't do it in the new version of essentials. I created a new ledger for a new client with payroll and did a payrun. I can see the pay made to the employee in the bank feeds but under match or allocate, it just says allocate me. If I click on the down arrow then click on the match transaction tab the error says no results even when I have all transactions selected.


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  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi ford 

    Thanks for posting. 

    There are a couple of reasons that might have caused this. One of which is the payroll transactions might have been reconciled or  already marked under the reconcile window. This will cause it not to show on possible match.


    Another possible reason why it does not show is because while matching, potentially the employee's payment details is set as electronic. If this is the case, the transaction will be sitting inside the electronic clearing account instead of the bank account where it should be paid from.


    If you have checked and none of these are causing the issue or you have further questions feel free to reply to this thread. 


