Compukeep's avatar
Experienced Cover User
9 years ago

Print/Email Invoices: Email - uses Printed form on customer's card

When bulk emails are used choose the default printed form not the one in the advanced filters section.

"Default Layout on bulk email"


  • Hey guys
    would be cool to see an option in the advance filters for print/email invoices that gives you the option to use customers form that will override the default form selected, just like it has one for "use customers tax code"

  • Within my company I have a few different invoice forms (for the same isale layout), and have taken the time to preselect the form I want used for each Customer.

    However when you go to print or email them, you have to do it in a few runs, as you have to change the selected form in the advance settings and it is that same form for all that you then print or email.

    What is the point of selecting the form in the customers card if the program wont automatically print/email the invoice on that form?

    Would be great if that could be fixed.

  • TOTALLY agree.  I have a few different invoices and it is so frustrating to have to go into the advance filter everytime to check the right form is going to be used.

    And if you do have a few different invoice types to print or email, you have to reopen the print/email box again and again because it automically closes.

  • ARAP_2020's avatar
    Experienced User

    Please update MYOB so that we can send the invoice template selected in customer cards through bulk emailing rather than it sending the default form to everyone.