Forum Discussion

claire1989's avatar
Experienced User
3 years ago

bad debt for an unpaid amount

I am trying to write off some small amounts that we will receive payment for (Some are as small as .50 cents) and I am trying to follow some instructions from another forum post which was said was for Myob essentials where you create a negative invoice and put the account to a bad debt expense account then match that to the invoice with that has the amount you want to write off. However, my system is not letting me put any negaitve in the amount. Can I please have clear, true and current instructions on the best way to acheive the result I need?



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  • LRBooks61's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User

    You should be able to do a customer return 

    select the sales tab and it is in the drop down box

    it will create a negative invoice that you can then follow the rest of your instructions with


    hope this helps
