Forum Discussion

SarahAJ's avatar
Contributing User
4 days ago

Adding documents to Receive money transactions

Hello, I would like to add documents to some of my receive money transactions. I use the desktop version as i personally find it user friendly, i have access to the web browser which i use only for payroll. I googled how to add documents to receive money in MYOB and it said it was only available in the browser. I followed the instructions to add a document but then it wants me to add a category and a tax code before i can save. The transaction is already complete and entered in the desktop i just want to add a document. How do i navigate this please.

  • Isaiah_C's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi SarahAJ,


    Since the transaction is already completed and entered in the desktop version, there's no need to create another transaction in the browser. Instead, you can add the document by going to the Banking menu >> Find Transactions and click the reference number of the Spend Money transaction. Once the transaction opens, you can attach the document.


    For more details, please check this link.




    • SarahAJ's avatar
      Contributing User

      Morning Isaiah_C 

      Thank you for your comment but its not a spend money its a received money transaction. I thought the above instruction may still lead me to success but it does not.




      • Doreen_P's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hey SarahAJ,


        Sorry for the confusion. After checking the screenshot you've attached, you're in the Bank transactions window. This area lets you add documents to Receive Money transactions. If you'll go to:


        • Banking .
        • Find transactions.
        • Under Transactions tab, click the reference number for the Receive Money transaction you've created on the AccountRight desktop. You'll notice that there's no option to add documents to it.


        Even if you record a new Receive Money transaction using the browser version, the option to attach documents isn't available. I'd recommend sharing this on AccountRight Ideas Exchange board— it's a great way to get suggestions considered for future updates. That said, in the Bank transactions window of the browser version, you can add a document by going to Match transaction tab and saving it from there. You can also check this link for more information. 




  • SarahAJ's avatar
    Contributing User

    Correct there is no option, when i was looking through the history to see if anyone else had asked this question before i discovered someone did ask 2 years ago and a MYOB moderator said he would put the idea forward , that was 2 years ago. I guess we will keep asking :) Thank you for your time.