How to use AccountRight for a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF)
I am having no luck finding out how I might setup AccountRight Plus to keep track of my SMSF.
I have used MYOB Premier for a Investment Company many years ago so much of that setup is the same.
Where in the community might I find more information about doing this?
I can only find information about paying into a super for employees.
For share trading in the Company I followed a setup similar to Handling a share portfolio - MYOB Community excepting I modified it to support CFDs as well.
The first simple question is. How do I enter super contributions?
I set it up as an "Other Income" account just to get the data in, but realise this must be wrong. Do I setup an equity account for this? Thinking out loud: Currently the deposit sits under the Asset bank account. Assigning it to an income account generates Income which is incorrect, assigning to another asset account doubles the asset total which is incorrect. Assigning to an Equity account means contributions will add up over time...hmm
Also, how might I track super guarantee and additional contributions?
I use an offline version of AccountRight Plus.