Forum Discussion

DonnaLee1972's avatar
Experienced User
4 months ago

Bank Feeds appearing multiple times to be allocated

Hi all.

I have been reconcilling and have noticed that transactions had been downloaded through bank feeds muliple times. I figured it may be a glitch, so just proceeded to delete any double ups, only to notice today that 300 more transactions have appeared in the Bank Transactions to be allocated, dating back for months! Help! This is taking me hours to remedy, only to be in the same boat again.  

  • DonnaLee1972's avatar
    Experienced User

    Is there a way to delete or remove from bank transactions downloaded without allocating (like hiding them in accountright), or to see a tracking of the bank transactions downloaded?

  • DonnaLee1972's avatar
    Experienced User

    Upon further investigation, I think they may be from downloaded statements that my client has tried to do. She downloaded credit card statements into cheque account. I have been changing  the bank accounts in spend money per transaction. But they seem to have down loaded again. Can I delete from Bank Statement import history? Is there a way to delete these that seem to be automatically downloaded again? She assures me that she hasnt done anything. HELP! 

    • Shella_A's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi DonnaLee1972,


      There are a few steps you can try to resolve the problem of duplicate transactions in your bank feeds. You can manually delete the duplicate transactions. Check if you have imported bank statements in addition to using bank feeds; this could cause duplicates. If the transactions have been reconciled, try to unreconcile them first. After unreconciling, delete the duplicates and then reconcile again. Also, there isn't a direct way to hide transactions in MYOB Business like in AccountRight. However, you can keep track of the transactions you have already dealt with to avoid confusion. If the issue persists, contact our support team directly. You can reach them on Live Chat via our virtual assistant, MOCA, or by submitting a support case via MyAccount. Providing them with the details of the issue to have the duplicate bank feed transactions deleted.



      Kind regards,


  • DonnaLee1972's avatar
    Experienced User

    Thanks Shella_A ,

    It is a very labourous task, as it has been taking me days to delete the months of previously doubled up transactions, only to be met with 300 more today. I am just helping someone sort out their books, so I will have to get them to contact myob should it persit. Can you tell me if there are any repercussions of deleting downloaded bank statement history, as i am guessing this is where it came from. Rather than allocating and deleting agian, I think I might just make a new account and allocate all of the double ups to them with a N-T tax code and then journal out of cheque account. Have you heard of success with that method? 

    • Shella_A's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi DonnaLee1972,


      Deleting downloaded bank statement history won't have any impacts on your data, but it won't solve the issue of doubled-up transactions either. Instead of deleting and reallocating, creating a new account and allocating the double-ups to it with an N-T tax code, then journaling out of the check account, is a method some have found success with. However, it is best to have the person you're helping contact MYOB support directly if the problem still persists. You may proceed on the link I've previously provided, then make sure to provide complete details about the issue, as this required further investigation.



      Kind regards,
