Why the Payables/Receivables with Tax report is out of balance, but the Reconciliations report is not.
Our external accountant has highlighted that when we run the 'accounts receivable with tax' reconiliation report and also the 'accounts payable with tax' reconciliation report at the end of the year, then both reports are showing an out of balance amount and yet both ledgers correctly reconcile to the reconciliations report without any variances.
To be honest, I have never used these particular reconciliation reports before so was quite alarmed that there were variances showing as I have never been aware of any reconciliation issues previously.
On further review, I see that these are to do with our Foreign Currency Suppliers and Customers - and more specifically the currency gains and losses on any deposits that have been made against invoices within these particular accounts.
I have no idea why this is occurring and whether there is a set up issue that I am unaware of when dealing with foreign transactions that is affecting this report.
I have also just looked on this community board for advice and see that a similar question was raised back in 2020 without any real solution as to what needs to be done. Am I doing something wrong to create this variance or is this a known software issue affecting foreign currency gains and losses?
I am at a loss how one report can balance and a related report does not.
Any advice would be gratefully appreciated.