Forum Discussion

DT's avatar
Experienced Cover User
2 years ago

** BEWARE ** Requesting employee details

Please be aware if you use the new "Save and request employee details" function on the employees card for getting your employees to check their details, it will remove all payroll details set in the Standard Pay tab.


We will be leaving MYOB soon (hooray!!) and every employee was requested to check their details so we can import into the new software.


We lost all salary sacrifice amounts, allowances, additional super, base salary, child support deductions etc.

  • Freman's avatar
    Trusted Partner

    An undertested feature by MYOB, QA teams, alpha, beta testers. Never!




  • rbray's avatar
    Experienced User

    No way!!! This is BS - this makes alot of sense now when I've just gone to do payroll!! :smileysad: 

  • Zoolander's avatar
    Contributing User

    May I ask what program you are changing to for your payroll?

    I am considering having a look at what alternatives there are.

  • SMR_Accounts's avatar
    Contributing User

    I just did my payroll and found this out.  Just what I needed to do was fix everything before I could do my wages.


    Not happy at all, Jan.