Need To Be Able To Make Wage Categories Inactive For Individual Employees
Hi, as some of our casual employees have individual wage categories created for them which change if their pay increases, job changes etc, to make it much, much easier in Timesheets, I need to be able to make their individual wage categories "Inactive" so they don't show when I do their timesheet and it saves me accidentally processing the wrong category eg. A casual started off on the base rate for nightshift - "Nightshift Base Hours" but then got a pay increase so went to "Nightshift Base 2". Each week though when I do his Timesheet for the weekly pays, the dropdown box shows both Nightshift Base Hours & Nightshift Base 2. When I am rushing or tired, I sometimes process it against the wrong one. I need to make the "Nightshift Base Hours" category for him "Inactive" and stop it from showing each week. I only want the categories showing that are currently valid. Please make this possible.