Payroll categories
I posted this a week agao and haven't had a reply - so posting it again
Just went to lodge the JULY IAS and the ATO have now automated the W1 Total Salary Wages & Other Payments from the STP lodged for that period - however, on comparing it to the Activity report from MYOB for July period the amount is considerably less than my MYOB report. The amounts should be the same....right?
I checked on the MYOB Account Right app the categories and every category that we use has a corresponding reporting category. Nothing comes up when I run the "check payroll details" from the Reporting centre. However, when I look in the browser version of the account and go to Payroll Settings, Employment Classification I notice that the category we set up for Bonus's (a while back) is not showing in that list. Should it show? If that category is missing, will others be missing?? Does the app not flow through to the browser info.... Not sure what to do with this...
Thanks for helping...