Forum Discussion

KB1971's avatar
Contributing Cover User
6 years ago

How to rename your file for the new financial year

Hi guys, I've just rolled my financial year, following the prompts, but am confused as to why I cannot re-name the file to appear in my library?   Under the old software I was able to save my pre-...
  • KB1971's avatar
    6 years ago

    Thanks Gavin, I ended up speaking to someone at MYOB as I wasn't sure how to locate the library files. All solved. Though I still find it odd that when you roll over the year you don't get some kind of prompt to rename the file and save to the library so that your old information and new information are both safely stored. I would have thought that woudl have been a no-brainer for MYOB. Either way, I managed to re-store and re-save, then duplicate/change name and then re-roll. Yay for me.